Power From Insight. When we know more, we grow more.

The power from insight blog will discuss mental health from the perspective of a clinical therapist and expand on the knowledge of human behavior.

Experts have spent decades trying to decode the human mind. We all continue to unravel the layers but we’re not there yet.

We will cover what is known and what is being discovered about mental health, behavioral psychology, mindfulness, addiction and cultural competencies such as military and veteran life.

Much of what will be talked about here will be examined through the biopsychosocial model, meaning we will look at how person is affected biologically, psychologically, and socially.

When we are talking about personal growth and mental health, I think about the old verbiage of “the first step to solving a problem is admitting you have one.” The next step is what? Being aware that there is something wrong or something is holding you back is definitely the first step, but that does not provide you with the solution. I believe the next step is identifying the problem. Once you can clearly identify and explain what the problem is and how it is affecting you, then you know where to start or how to proceed.

Building awareness and increasing knowledge gives us all the tools we need to start shaping our future. As humans we are malleable. We can be molded and shaped in whatever way we want. Unfortunately, this means the world around us can also shape us. With awareness and insight, though, we can take back control. Because – the more we know, the more we can grow.